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Week 4


  1. Buildd message rosa using graalvm
  2. Building DAO service GraalVM compatible

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Super Mentors feedback:

When considering whether to make REST services GraalVM-compatible, it's essential to compare the use cases of the normal JDK and GraalVM. The normal JDK offers proven stability, widespread adoption, and a rich ecosystem of libraries and tools, making it a reliable choice for various applications. Its garbage collector ensures predictable memory management, reducing the risk of memory leaks.

On the other hand, GraalVM introduces unique features that may benefit specific use cases. Its ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation allows Java code to be compiled into native machine code, leading to faster startup times and a reduced memory footprint. GraalVM's support for multiple languages enables seamless integration of polyglot components, which could be advantageous in certain scenarios. Moreover, it excels in resource-constrained environments and is well-suited for microservices architectures and serverless deployments, where efficient resource utilization is crucial.

The comparison boils down to performance, resource efficiency, and development ecosystem. While the normal JDK is stable and widely adopted, GraalVM offers potential performance improvements, especially in terms of startup times and memory usage. However, the normal JDK boasts a well-established development ecosystem with extensive community support and a wide range of libraries and tools.

My mid term demo presentation slides: